Before your first Zoom call...

Joining a Zoom call for the first time can be intimidating.

I want you to be totally comfortable.

I recommend that the first call you attend, you give yourself permission to watch without asking questions if that makes you feel more comfortable.

When you join the meeting your video and audio will be turned off. You will have the power to turn it on if you choose.

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Each of the Zoom events has a unique link.

Feel free to try joining the meeting now...even if you are days early.

You won’t break anything.

Depending on the device you are using you may be asked to download the Zoom app.

Here is a short video to show you how to join for the first time:

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If you have weak internet or trouble with technology, consider calling in using the phone numbers provided in the zoom call invitations.

Also remember that the video recordings of these calls will be posted online in this Video Vault. If you 'raise your hand' to join Stacy on video please try to be in an area with low background noise.

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